Cuphead blushed at his sudden action but then realized Bendy's face felt warm, warmer than it should normally be for someone. Cuphead was confused on what was going on and reached over to grab Bendy from under the bed, he was close to grabbing his arm though instead Bendy gently grabbed his hand and placed it against his cheek. Half of his face was a light pink, small tears filled his eyes, and just a small bit of ink was streaming down his face. Cuphead slowly kneeled down to look underneath, his eyes widen as he sees Bendy with soft tired eyes as he whimpered once more.

Suddenly soft and quiet whimpers could be heard, Cuphead looked around to see where the noise was coming from but soon realized he didn't check under his bed. Cuphead began to search around his room to see if he stole anything if Bendy did decided to leave last night, yet everything was in its original place and nothing was gone. The room was filled with silence for a few minutes which caused Cuphead to open one of his eye to see the room empty, which lead him to ask himself in his mind "what the hell. what's the worst that could happen.", closing his eyes tightly and opening the door quickly. Cuphead grabs the doorknob and thinks to himself "Alright just stay calm and open the door.